Research Visitor Grants in Space and Geo-Physics

Research visitor grants are available at the Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory and Space Physics and Astronomy research unit of the University of Oulu, Finland, within the framework of the GERALIS project of the Research Council of Finland. The funding period covers 2023 – 2027. The project is a consortium between the University of Oulu, Finnish Meteorological Institute and CSC Finland. It is devoted to a focused study of the possible effects of unusual geomagnetic conditions on the near-Earth environment. It involves data analysis, theoretical modelling and measurements as a multi-disciplinary research in Solar, Heliospheric, Magnetospheric, and Atmospheric Physics.

We invite applications from experts with verified competence in the project-related fields, for single or multiple visits lasting up to 6 months in a year. The grants are typically based on a tax-free lump sum of 2000–4000 €/month proportionally to the actual duration of the visit.

The application should include:

• A brief description (max 3 pages) of intended research and its relation to the GERACLIS project

• Curriculum vitae (max 2 pages)

• A list of publications

Applications and possible requests for additional information should be sent by e-mail to Prof. Ilya Usoskin.

Grant applications are considered continuously.

Link of full description in PDF document.

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