
European Research CouncilGeomagnetic Excursions and Reversals: Establishing their Atmospheric and Climatic Effects (GERACLE)2025-2029PI (I.U.)
Academy of FinlandGeomagnetic Excursions/Reversals: Assessment of Climate Impacts in Silico (GERACLIS), #354280 2023-2027PI (I.U.)
Academy of FinlandExtreme Solar Particle events: Risk Assessment (ESPERA), #3218822019-2023PI (I.U.)
Academy of FinlandResearch on SOlar Long-term Variability and Effects (ReSOLVE), Centre of Excellence2014-2019Vice-Director, team leader (I.U.)
Academy of FinlandCosmic Rays in Polar Atmosphere: Extended (CRIPA-X), #3044352016-2020PI (I.U.)
Academy of FinlandQUAntification of Spectral and Angular characteristics of extreme solar eRuptive Events (QUASARE), #3300642020-2024PI (A.M.)
Academy of FinlandHEAIM #314982, #316223??PI (A.M.)
University of OuluStudy of the cosmic ray variability with the data recorded by the neutron monitor network and the satellite experiments2019PI (S.K.)
HPC EuropeVolcanic influence on the atmospheric transport of the cosmogenic isotope 10Be2020Host (I.U.)
Finnish Cultural Foundationheliösfäärin vuosittaista syklistä vaihtelua ja vaikutusta kosmisiin säteisiin käsittelevään väitöskirjatyöhön2018-2020PI (P.V.)
Finnish Cultural FoundationAtmospheric effects of extreme solar particle events2021-2023PI (K.G.)
Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research Solar and terrestrial effects in the 50-year long tritium record from Antarctica2021-2022PI (S.P.)
Finnish Cultural FoundationStatistical analysis of space weather effects during GLE events2022-2024PI (N.L.)
SpAce Radiation assessment in Polar and arctic Environment using Data from NeutrON monitors (SARPEDON)01.10.2021-31.12.2022PI (A.M.)
SCOSTEP PRESTOTo improve the GLE database by providing verified records for systemic analysis of strong SEP
events and assessment of their terrestrial effects.
2022PI (A.M.)
Horizon-Europe projectALBATROS01.11.2022 –
PI (I.U.)
SCOSTEP/PRESTOCreation of database2024PI (SK)
SCOSTEP/PRESTOMeeting support2024PI (KG)

Participation in international teams

  • ISSI international team “REASSESS – gRound and spacE-bAsed analySis of Strong sEp eventS and Study of their terrestrial effects” 2023-2025;
  • ISSI international team “Solar Extreme Events: Setting Up a Paradigm“, 2020-2022 (team leader)
  • ISSI international team “Space Weather Induced Direct Ionisation Effects On The Ozone Layer“, 2019-2021;
  • ISSI international team “High EneRgy sOlar partICle Events Analysis (HEROIC)“, 2018-2020;
  • ISSI international team “Recalibration of the Sunspot Number Series” 2017-2019;