Publications using the Oulu NM data

This list is by far not completed and include only papers we are aware of.

  1. Kangas, J., H. Kananen, and J. Kokkoniemi, On the variations of the cosmic ray l-meson intensity during rapid pressure and about the applicability of Duperier's model, Geophysica, 9:4, 321-325, 1967.
  2. Kokkoniemi, J., H. Kananen, and J. Kangas, Some aspects on atmospheric effects of the cosmic ray l-meson intensity, Geophysica 9:4, 313-319, 1967.
  3. Tanskanen, P., Daily variations of cosmic rays during quiet and disturbed periods in 1965 and 1966, Can. J. Phys. 819, 1968.
  4. Tanskanen, P., Influence of snow on Neutron Monitor intensity, Nature, 219, 5157, 1968.
  5. Lindgren, S.T., The Solar Particle Events of May 23 and May 28, 1967, Solar Physics, 5, 382, 1968.
  6. Sud, L.V., Cosmic ray intensity increase on January 28, 1967, Austral. J. Phys., 21, 755, 1968.
  7. Bukata, R. P.; Gronstal, P. T.; Palmeira, R. A. R., The Small Anisotropy and the Rigidity Spectrum of the March 30, 1969 Solar Flare Event, Solar Physics, 14, 419, 1970.
  8. Lockwood, J.A., Forbush Decreases in the Cosmic Radiation, Space Sci. Rev., 12, 658, 1971.
  9. Duggal, S. P.; Guidi, I.; Pomerantz, M. A., The Unusual Anisotropic Solar Particle Event of November 18, 1968, Solar Physics, 19, 234, 1971.
  10. Hashim, A.; Bercovitch, M.; Steljes, J. F., Streaming of Galactic Cosmic Rays in the Interplanetary Magnetic Field, Solar Physics, 22, 220, 1972.
  11. Duggal, S., Pomeranz, M., Sectorial Anisotropy of Solar Cosmic Rays, Solar Physics, 27, 227, 1972.
  12. Blomster, K. and H. Kananen, Long term variation in the observed mean multiplicity in 9-NM-64 Oulu, Finland, Phys. Fenn., 10, 101, 1975.
  13. Rao, U., High energy cosmic ray observations during August 1972, Space Sci. Rev., 19, 533, 1976.
  14. Mavromichalaki, H., Large amplitude wave-trains of cosmic-ray intensity, Astrophys. Space Sci., 71, 101, 1980.
  15. Fenton, A. J.; Fenton, K. B.; Humble, J. E., Further studies of the cosmic ray flare of November 22, 1977, Procs. Astron. Soc. Australia, v. 4, 111, 1980.
  16. Swinson, D.P. and H. Kananen, Reversal of the cosmic ray density gradient perpendicular to the ecliptic plane, J. Geophys. Res., 87, 1685, 1982.
  17. Shea, M., and D.F. Smart, Possible evidence for a rigidity-dependent release of relativistic protons from the solar corona, Space Sci. Rev., 32, 251, 1982.
  18. Agrawal, S.P., Solar cycle variations of cosmic ray intensity and large-scale structure of the heliosphere, Space Sci. Rev., 34, 127, 1983.
  19. Eronen, T., E. Riihonen, J. Torsti, E. Valtonen, H. Kananen, E. Vainikka, H. Arvela, A.-M. Elo, and J. Peltonen, Search of periodic scintillations in cosmic radiation in the range 2-50 mHz, Adv. Space Res., 9, (4)229-(4)232, 1989.
  20. Iucci, N.; Parisi, M.; Signorini, C.; Storini, M.; Villoresi, G., Short-term cosmic-ray increases and magnetic cloud-like structures during Forbush decreases, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 81(3), 367, 1989.
  21. Debrunner, H.; Lockwood, J. A.; Ryan, J. M., Solar neutron and proton production during the 1990 May 24 cosmic-ray flare increases, Astrophys. J., 409, 822, 1993.
  22. Duldig, M. L., et al., The Ground Level Enhancements of 1989SEP29 and 1989OCT22, ASTRON. SOC. OF AUSTRALIA, PROCEEDINGS V.10:3, P.211, 1993.
  23. Roldugin, V.K., E.V. Vashenyuk, and H. Kananen, Coincidence of solar cosmic ray increase at close neutron-monitor stations in Apatity and Oulu, Geomagn. Aeron., 33, 105-107, 1993 (in English); (in Russian, 33, 134-136, 1993.)
  24. Dorman, L. I.; Venkatesan, D.; Dorman, L. I., Solar cosmic rays, Space Sci. Rev., 64, p. 183, 1993.
  25. Kocharov, L.G.. et al., Electromagnetic and corpuscular emission from the solar flare of 1991 June 15: Continuous acceleration of relativistic particles, Solar Physics, 150, 267, 1994.
  26. Roldugin, V.K., E.V. Vashenyuk, H. Kananen, and K. Kudela, Statistical characteristics of the signals from ground based cosmic rays at the stations Apatity, Oulu, and Lomninsky Peak. Geomagn. Aeron., 34, 176-180 (English translation); (in Russian, 34, 62-67, 1994).
  27. Cramp, J. L.; Humble, J. E.; Duldig, M. L., The cosmic ray ground-level enhancement of 24 October 1989, Procs. Astron. Soc. Australia, 11, 28, 1994.
  28. Kovaltsov. G.A., I.G. Usoskin, L.G. Kocharov, H. Kananen, and P.J. Tanskanen, Neutron monitor data on the 15 June 1991 flare: Neutrons as a test for proton acceleration scenario, Solar Physics, 158, 395-398, 1995.
  29. Kovaltsov. G.A., L.G. Kocharov, I.G. Usoskin, H. Kananen, P. Tanskanen, and A.Ya. Drobysh, Two components of high energy neutrons at the 24 May 1990 solar flare, Izvestiya RAN, Ser. Fyz., 59, No. 4, 199-203, 1995 (in Russian).
  30. Usoskin, I.G., G.A. Kovaltsov, L.G. Kocharov, H. Kananen, and P. Tanskanen, Solar neutron detection: the method of weighted summarizing of neutron monitor responses, Izvestiya RAN, Ser. Fyz., 59, No. 4, 10-14, 1995 (in Russian).
  31. Stoker, P., Relativistic Solar Proton Events, Space Sci. Rev., 73, 327, 1995.
  32. Torsti, J., et al., The 1990 May 24 Solar Cosmic-Ray Event, Solar Phys., 166, 135, 1996.
  33. Usoskin, I.G., G.A. Kovaltsov, H. Kananen, K. Mursula, and P. Tanskanen, Phase evolution of solar activity and cosmic-ray variation cycles. Solar Physics, 170, 447-452, 1997.
  34. Usoskin, I. G., G. A. Kovaltsov, H. Kananen, and P. Tanskanen, The world neutron monitor network as a tool for the study of solar neutrons, Ann. Geophys., 15, 375-386, 1997.
  35. Debrunner, H., et al., Energetic Neutrons, Protons, and Gamma Rays during the 1990 May 24 Solar Cosmic-Ray Event, ApJ, 479, 997, 1997.
  36. Usoskin, I.G., et al., Period of Unusual Modulation of Cosmic Ray Intensity: The Declining Phase of Cycle 20, ESA Publ. series, ESA SP-415, p.491, 1997.
  37. Usoskin, I. G., H. Kananen, K. Mursula, P. Tanskanen, and G. A. Kovaltsov, Correlative study of solar activity and cosmic ray intensity, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 9567-9574, 1998.
  38. Danilova, O., M. Tyasto, H. Kananen, and P. Tanskanen: The cosmic ray asymptocic directions for station Oulu in the magnetic field of the Tsyganenko 1989 model - Geophysica, 35, Nos. 1-2, 101-109, 1999.
  39. I.G.Usoskin, O.G.Gladysheva, K.Kudela, P.Bobik, H.Kananen - Connections between neutron monitor count rate and solar modulation strength - Czechoslovak J. Phys., 1999, v.49, p.1740-1750.
  40. Danilova, O., The GLE of May 2, 1998: An Effect of Disturbed Magnetosphere on Solar Cosmic Rays, Proc. 26 ICRC, v.6, 399, 1999.
  41. Mursula, K., Simultaneous Occurrence of Mid-term Periodicities in Solar Wind Speed, Geomagnetic Activity and Cosmic Rays, Proc. 26 ICRC, v.7, 123, 1999.
  42. Elo, A.-M., The timing measurement in the air shower experiment in Turku, in: Proc. 26 ICRC, v.5, 320, 1999.
  43. Usoskin, I.G., Time Evolution of Solar Activity and Cosmic Ray Intensity during the Maunder Minimum, in: Proc. 26 ICRC, v.7, 127, 1999.
  44. Stozhkov, Y.I., P.E. Pokrevsky, V.P. Okhlopkov, Long-term negative trend in cosmic ray flux, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 9--17, 2000.
  45. Duldig, M., Australian Cosmic Ray Modulation Research, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 18, 12, 2001.
  46.  I.G. Usoskin, K. Mursula, and G.A. Kovaltsov, Odd and even cycles in cosmic rays and solar activity - in: Proc. 27th Intern.Cosmic Ray Conf., Hamburg, 2001, p. 3791-3794.
  47. I. G. Usoskin, K. Alanko, K. Mursula, K. Kudela, and G. A. Kovaltsov, Variations of the heliospheric modulation strength during the neutron monitor era - in: Proc. 27th Intern.Cosmic Ray Conf., Hamburg, 2001, p. 3810-3813.
  48. I.G. Usoskin, K. Mursula, and J. Kangas, On-line database of cosmic ray intensities - in: Proc. 27th Intern.Cosmic Ray Conf., Hamburg, 2001, p. 3842.
  49. P. Bobik, K. Kudela, and I. Usoskin, Geomagnetic cutoff Penumbra structure: Approach by transmissivity function - in: Proc. 27th Intern.Cosmic Ray Conf., Hamburg, 2001, p. 4056-4059.
  50. E. V. Vashenyuk, B. B. Gvozdevsky, V. V. Phelkin, I. G. Usoskin, K. Mursula, and G. A. Kovaltsov, The ground-level enhancement of 14 July 2000: Explaining the difference between near-by neutron monitors at Apatity and Oulu - in: Proc. 27th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf., Hamburg, 2001, p. 3383-3386.
  51. L. Ding, on behalf of the L3 Collaboration, Search for possible enhancement in the flux of high energy muons due to the solar flare of 14 July 2000 with the L3+Cosmics Muon Spectrometer - in: Proc. 27th Intern.Cosmic Ray Conf., Hamburg, 2001, p. 3372-3375.
  52. M. L. Duldig, Fine time resolution analysis of the 14 July 2000 GLE - in: Proc. 27th Intern.Cosmic Ray Conf., Hamburg, 2001, p. 3363-3366.
  53. A. V. Belov, J. W. Bieber, E. A. Eroshenko, P. Evenson, B. B. Gvozdevsky, V. V. Pchelkin, R. Pyle, V. E.Vashenyuk, and V. G. Yanke, The "Bastille Day"; GLE 14 July, 2000 as observed by the worldwide neutron monitor network - in: Proc. 27th Intern.Cosmic Ray Conf., Hamburg, 2001, p. 3346-3349.
  54. S.Tehlik, M., Y.I. Fedorov, K. Kudela, J. Kassovicova, Kinetic approach to an anistropic GLE? - in: Proc. 27th Intern.Cosmic Ray Conf., Hamburg, 2001, p. 3458-3461.
  55. D. Cattani, S. Cecchini, M. Galli, G. Giovannini, G. Longo, A. Pagliarin, and M. Trabisondi, Continuous monitoring of environmental radiation in the Arctic - in: Proc. 27th Intern.Cosmic Ray Conf., Hamburg, 2001, p. 4048-4051.
  56. M. A. Despotashvili, N. A. Nachkebia, and E. O. Fluckiger, Recurrent variations and Forbush decreases of galactic cosmic ray intensity - in: Proc. 27th Intern.Cosmic Ray Conf., Hamburg, 2001, p. 3489-3492.
  57. A. V. Belov, J. W. Bieber, E. A. Eroshenko, P. Evenson, R. Pyle, and V. G. Yanke, Pitch-angle features in cosmic rays in advance of severe magnetic storms: Neutron monitor observations - in: Proc. 27th Intern.Cosmic Ray Conf., Hamburg, 2001, p. 3507-3510.
  58. N. A. Nachkebia, M. A. Despotashvili, and E. O. Fluckiger, Rigidity dependence of two-step Forbush decreases - in: Proc. 27th Intern.Cosmic Ray Conf., Hamburg, 2001, p. 3549-3552.
  59. V. I. Kozlov, S. A. Starodubtsev, A. A. Turpanov, V. G. Grigoryev, V. S. Nikolaev, and A. N. Prikhodko, Long-term forecast of space weather in real-time - in: Proc. 27th Intern.Cosmic Ray Conf., Hamburg, 2001, p. 3887-3890.
  60. A. V.Belov, E. A. Eroshenko, B. Heber, V. G. Yanke, A Raviart, K. Rohrs, R. Muller-Mellin, H. Kunow, G. Wibberenz, and C. Paizis, Latitudinal and radial variation of >2 GeV/n protons and alpha-particles in the southern heliosphere at solar maximum: ULYSSES COSPIN/KET and neutron monitor network observations - in: Proc. 27th Intern.Cosmic Ray Conf., Hamburg, 2001, p. 3998-4001
  61. S. Kavlakov and J. Elsner, Some statistical connections between the cosmic ray intensity, solar activities, geomagnetic changes and hurricane intensification - in: Proc. 27th Intern.Cosmic Ray Conf., Hamburg, 2001, p. 4169-4172.
  62. Danilova OA, Tyasto MI, Vashenyuk EV, et al., Magnetospheric response to the ground-level enhancement of solar cosmic rays on May 2, 1998, Geomagn. Aeronom. 42 (1), 2002, 28-31.
  63. Usoskin, I.G., K. Alanko, K. Mursula, G.A. Kovaltsov, Heliospheric modulation strength during the neutron monitor era, Solar Phys., 207, 389--399, 2002.
  64. Lin, J., Energetics and Propagation of Coronal Mass Ejections in Different Plasma Environments, Chinese J. Astron. Astrophys., 2, 539, 2002.
  65. Bhandari, N., et al., Itawa Bhopji (L3-5) chondrite regolith breccia: Fall, classification, and cosmogenic records, Meteorit. Planet. Sci., 37, 549, 2002.
  66. Bershadskii, A., Extended self-similarity of low-energy cosmic rays, Europhysics Lett., 59(3), 472, 2002.
  67. Poirier, J.; D'Andrea, C., Ground level muons in coincidence with the solar flare of 15 April 2001, J. Geophys. Res., 107(A11), SSH 14-1, DOI 10.1029/2001JA009187, 2002.
  68. Kudela, K., M. Storini, Direct and indirect relations of cosmic rays to Space Weather, in: ESA Publications series SP-477, 289, 2002.
  69. Alanko, K.; Usoskin, I. G.; Mursula, K.; Kovaltsov, G. A., Heliospheric modulation strength: effective neutron monitor energy, Adv. Space Res., 32(4), 615, 2003.
  70. Dorman, Lev; Zukerman, Igor, Initial concept for forecasting the flux and energy spectrum of energetic particles using ground-level cosmic ray observations, Adv. Space Res., 31(4), 925, 2003
  71. Starodubtsev, S. A., and Usoskin, I.G., Long-Term Modulation of the Galactic Cosmic-Ray Fluctuation Spectrum, Astronomy Letters, 29, 594, 2003
  72. Nachkebiya, N., et al., Observed and Expected Features of the 27-day Variations of Galactic Cosmic Rays, Procs.28th ICRC, p.4087, 2003.
  73. Kozlov, V. I.; Kozlov, V. V.; Markov, V. V., Effect of polarity reversal of solar magnetic field in cosmic ray fluctuations, ESA Publ. series SP-535, 117, 2003.
  74. Kozlov, V.; Kudela, K.; Starodubtsev, S.; Turpanov, A.; Usoskin, I.; Yanke, V., Neutron monitor database in real time, ESA Publ. series SP-535, 675, 2003.
  75. Usoskin, I.G., et al., Long-Term Cosmic Ray Modulation by Heliospheric Parameters: Non-linear Relations, Procs.28th ICRC, p.3803, 2003.
  76. Usoskin, I.G., Long-Term Cosmic Ray Intensities: Physical Reconstruction, Procs.28th ICRC, p.4041, 2003.
  77. Kudela K., et al., Geomagnetic activity onset predictions: problems with possible signatures in cosmic rays, ESA Publ. series, SP-535, 575, 2003.
  78. Vashenyuk, Eduard V.; Balabin, B. B.; Gvozdevsky, B. B., Relativistic Solar Proton Dynamics in Large GLE of 23rd Solar Cycle, in: Proc. 28 ICRC, 3401, 2003.
  79. Kaushik, S.C., S.K., Mishra, Study of Forbush Decrease Event and Associated Geomagnetic Field Variation during Space Radiation Storm, in: Proc. 28 ICRC, 3597, 2003.
  80. Alanko, K., I.G. Usoskin, et al., Effective Energy of Neutron Monitors, in: Proc. 28 ICRC, 3901, 2003.
  81. Usoskin, I.G., and S.A. Starodubtsev, Galactic Cosmic Ray Fluctuations: Long-Term Modulation of Power Spectrum, in: Proc. 28 ICRC, 3905, 2003.
  82. Banjanac, R. M. et al., Analysis of Continuous Cosmic-Ray Measurements in Belgrade, in: Proc. 28 ICRC, 1199, 2003.
  83. D'Andrea, C.P., and J. Poirier, A Study of the Ground Level Event of April 15, 2001 with GRAND, in: Proc. 28 ICRC, 3423, 2003.
  84. Usoskin, I.G., et al., REal-time COsmic Ray Database (RECORD), in: Proc. 28 ICRC, 3473, 2003.
  85. Cecchini, S. et al., Cosmic Ray Intensity Variations Observed by Environmental Radiation Monitors, in: Proc. 28 ICRC, 3577, 2003.
  86. Shrivastava, P., High Speed Solar Wind Streams and Cosmic Ray Intensity Variation, in: Proc. 28 ICRC, 3731, 2003.
  87. Nachkebia, N., et al., Interplanetary Magnetic Field Disturbances Affect on the Ozone Profiles, in: Proc. 28 ICRC, 4237, 2003.
  88. Shrivastava, P., Effect of Halo Coronal Mass Ejections on Cosmic Ray Intensity during Ascending Phase of Solar Cycle 23, in: Proc. 28 ICRC, 3635, 2003.
  89. Valdes-Galicia, Jose F.; Lara, A.; Mendoza, B., Long Term Cosmic Ray Variations in Association with Solar Magnetic Flux, in: Proc. 28 ICRC, 4053, 2003.
  90. Ma, Y., et al., Search for a Muon Flux Enhancement during the Solar Flare of 14 July 2000 with the L3+C Data, in: Proc. 28 ICRC, 3393, 2003.
  91. P. Lantos and N. Fuller, History of the solar particle event radiation doses on-board aeroplanes using a semi-empirical model and Concorde measurements, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 104, 199, 2003.
  92. Starodubtsev, S.A., I.G. Usoskin, and K. Mursula, Rapid Cosmic Ray Fluctuations: Evidence for Cyclic Behaviour, Solar Phys., 224, 335-343, 2004.
  93. Kudela, K., and Brenkus, R., Cosmic ray decreases and geomagnetic activity: list of events 1982-2002, J. Atm. Solar-Terrestr. Phys., 66, 1121, 2004.
  94. Lantos, P., Fuller, N., Semi-empirical model to calculate potential radiation exposure on board airplane during solar particle events, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 32(4), 1468, 2004.
  95. J.F. Valdes-Galicia, A. Lara and B. Mendoza, The solar magnetic flux mid-term periodicities and the solar dynamo, JASTP, 67, 1697, 2005.
  96. Storini, M., Kudela, K., Cordaro, E.G., Massetti, S., Ground-level enhancements during solar cycle 23: Results from SVIRCO, LOMNICKY STIT and LARC neutron monitors, Adv. Space Res., 35 (3), 416-420, 2005.
  97. Usoskin, I.G., K. Alanko-Huotari, G.A. Kovaltsov, and K. Mursula, Heliospheric modulation of cosmic rays: Monthly reconstruction for 1951-2004, J. Geophys. Res.,101, A12108, 2005.
  98. K. O'Brien, The theory of cosmic-ray and high-energy solar-particle transport in the atmosphere, Radioact. Envir., 7, 29-44, 2005.
  99. D'Andrea, C., and J. Poirier, Ground level muons coincedent with the 20 January 2005 solar flare, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L14102, 2005.
  100. Singh, M., Badruddin, Study of the Cosmic Ray Diurnal Anisotropy During Different Solar and Magnetic Conditions, Solar Phys., 233, 291, 2006.
  101. Kuznetsov, S.N., et al., Changes of geomagnetic transmissivity in the disturbed magnetosphere: ground-based and CORONAS-F observations, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 56, 2006.
  102. Simnett G.M., The timing of relativistic proton acceleration in the 20 January 2005 flare, Astron. & Astrophys. 445, 715-724, 2006.
  103. Cliver, E.W., The Unusual Relativistic Solar Proton Events of 1979 August 21 and 1981 May 10, Astrophys. J., 639, 1206-1217, 2006.
  104. L3 collaboration, The solar flare of the 14th of July 2000 (L3+C detector results), Astron. & Astrophys. 445, 351-357, 2006.
  105. Wissmann, F., Long-Term Measurements Of H*(10) At Aviation Altitudes In The Northern Hemisphere, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 121, 347-357, 2006.
  106. Wissmann, F. , Variations observed in environmental radiation at ground level, Radiat. Protect. Dosim., 118 (1), 3-10, 2006.
  107. Bombardieri, D. J., et al., Relativistic Proton Production during the 2000 July 14 Solar Event: The Case for Multiple Source Mechanisms, Astrophysical Journal, 644, 565-574, 2006.
  108. Alanko-Huotari, K., Mursula, K., Usoskin, I. G., Kovaltsov, G. A., Global Heliospheric Parameters and Cosmic-Ray Modulation: An Empirical Relation for the Last Decades, Solar Phys., 238, 391, 2006.
  109. Mishra, A.P., Meera Gupta, and V. K. Mishra, Cosmic Ray Intensity Variations in Relation with Solar Flare Index and Sunspot Numbers, Solar Phys., 239, 475, 2006.
  110. Meera Gupta., V. K. Mishra, A. P. Mishra, Long-term Modulation of Cosmic Ray Intensity in relation to Sunspot Numbers and Tilt Angle, J. Astrophys. Astr., 27, 455, 2006
  111. Perez-Enriquez, R., et al. The G Index of Interplanetary Scintillation Data and Its Relation to Forbush Decreases During 1991-1994, Soar Phys., 236, 389-397, 2006
  112. Simnett, G. M., The timing of relativistic proton acceleration in the 20 January 2005 flare, Astron. Astrophys. 445, 715-724, 2006
  113. L.W. Jones, Cosmic ray studies with the L3-cosmics program at CERN, Czech. J. Phys., 56, A201-A210, 2006
  114. R.K. Mishra and R. A. Mishra, Characteristics of Enhanced and Low Amplitude Anisotropic Wave Trains and Interplanetary Transients Astrophys. Space Sci., 305, 73-83, 2006
  115. Plainaki, C. et al., Modeling ground level enhancements: Event of 20 January 2005, J. Geophys. res., 112, A04102, 2007.
  116. Badruddin, et al., Modulation loops, time lag and relationship between cosmic ray intensity and tilt of the heliospheric current sheet, Astron. Astrophys., 466, 697, 2007.
  117. Singh, Y.P., Badruddin, Corotating high-speed solar-wind streams and recurrent cosmic ray modulation, J. Geophys. Res. 112, A05101, 2007.
  118. Mavromichalaki, H., E. Paouris, T. Karalidi, Cosmic-Ray Modulation: An Empirical Relation with Solar and Heliospheric Parameters, Solar Phys., 245, 369-390, 2007.
  119. O. Ploc, F. Spurny, Further analysis of long-term measurements on board of Czech airlines aircraft Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. A, 580, 671-674, 2007
  120. A. B. Struminsky, Intensity enhancements of 200-2000 MeV protons in 1997-2005 as measured by the KET/ULYSSES, Cosmic Res., 45, 368-372, 2007
  121. E. V. Vashenyuk, Yu. V. Balabin, B. B. Gvozdevsky and L. I. Miroshnichenko, Characteristics of relativistic solar cosmic rays in large ground-level events in 1956-2005, Bull. Russian Acad. Sci.: Phys., 71, 933-937, 2007
  122. S. A. Starodubtsev, A. V. Grigor'ev, V. G. Grigor'ev, I. G. Usoskin and K. Mursula, Fluctuations of cosmic rays and interplanetary magnetic field in the vicinity of interplanetary shock fronts Bull. Russian Acad. Sci.: Phys., 71, 991-993, 2007
  123. D. V. Blagoveshchensky and V. A. Kornienko, Studying the ionosphere with the incoherent scatter radar during the magnetic storm of January 10, 1997, Geomagn. Aeronom. 47, 227-237, 2007
  124. V. I. Kozlov and V. V. Markov, Wavelet image of the fine structure of the 11-year cycle based on studying cosmic ray fluctuations during cycles 20-23, Geomagn. Aeronom. 47, 43-51, 2007.
  125. Jamsen, T., Usoskin, I.G., Raiha, T., Sarkamo, J., Kovaltsov, G.A., Case study of Forbush decreases: Energy dependence of the recovery, Adv. Space Res., 40 (3), 342-347, 2007.
  126. Alanko-Huotari, K., Usoskin, I.G., Mursula, K., Kovaltsov, G.A., Cyclic variations of the heliospheric tilt angle and cosmic ray modulation, Adv. Space Res., 40 (7), 1064-1069, 2007.
  127. V. E. Timofeev, L. I. Miroshnichenko, S. N. Samsonov and N. G. Skryabin, Variations of the interplanetary magnetic field and the electron and cosmic-ray intensities under the influence of Jupiter Astron. Lett., 33, 63-66, 2007
  128. Oh, S.Y., Y. Yi, Y.H. Kim, Globally nonsimultaneous Forbush decrease events and their implications, J. Geophys. Res., 113, A01103, 2008
  129. Usoskin, I.G., I. Braun, O.G. Gladysheva, J.R. Hoerandel, T. Jamsen, G.A. Kovaltsov, and S.A. Starodubtsev, Forbush decreases of cosmic rays: Energy dependence of the recovery phase, J. Geophys. Res., 113, A07102, 2008.
  130. Vashenyuk, E. V., Yu.V. Balabin, B.B. Gvozdevsky, L.I. Shchur, Characteristics of relativistic solar cosmic rays during the event of December 13, 2006, Geomagn. Aeronom., 48, 149-153, 2008.
  131. Agarwal, R., R. K. Mishra, Solar cycle phenomena in cosmic ray intensity up to the recent solar cycle Phys. Lett. B, 664, 31-34, 2008.
  132. Wang, R.G., F.R. Zhu, Inspiration from relativistic solar cosmic ray events Nuclear Phys. B - Proc. Suppl., 175, 563-566, 2008.
  133. V.I. Kozlov and V. V. Kozlov, A new index of solar activity: An index of cosmic ray scintillation, Geomagn. Aeronom., 48, 463-471, 2008.
  134. G. A. Bazilevskaya and A. K. Svirzhevskaya, Arrival of the first relativistic solar protons and conditions in the solar corona, Geomagn. Aeronom., 48, 425-431, 2008.
  135. Bazilevskaya, G.A., I.G. Usoskin, E. O. Flueckiger, R. G. Harrison, L. Desorgher, R. Buetikofer, M. B. Krainev, V.S. Makhmutov, Y.I. Stozhkov, A.K. Svirzhevskaya, N.S. Svirzhevsky and G.A. Kovaltsov, Cosmic Ray Induced Ion Production in the Atmosphere, Space Sci. Rev., 137, 149-173, 2008.
  136. Grigoryev, A.V., Starodubtsev, S.A., Grigoryev, V.G., Usoskin, I.G., Mursula, K., Fluctuations of cosmic rays and IMF in the vicinity of interplanetary shocks, Adv. Space Res., 41 (6), 955-961, 2008.
  137. M. Poje, B. Vukovic, M. Varga, V. Radolic, I. Miklavcic, D. Faj, J. Planinic, Relation between galactic and solar cosmic radiation at aviation altitude, Adv. Space Res., 42, 1913-1916, 2008.
  138. R. Buetikofer, E.O. Flueckiger, L. Desorgher, M.R. Moser, The extreme solar cosmic ray particle event on 20 January 2005 and its influence on the radiation dose rate at aircraft altitude, Sci. Total Envir., 177-183, 2008.
  139. M. Storini, P. Metteo, G. Moreno, Effects of geomagnetic secular variations on cosmic ray access to the terrestrial environment, Adv. Space Res., 41, 70-75, 2008.
  140. A. Wawrzynczak, M.V. Alania, Modeling of the recurrent Forbush effect of the galactic cosmic ray intensity and comparison with the experimental data, Adv. Space Res., 41, 325-334, 2008.
  141. Jorge A. Perez-Peraza, Eduard V. Vashenyuk, et al., Relativistic proton production at the Sun in the 20 January 2005 solar event, Adv. Space Res., 41, 947-954, 2008.
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  205. M. Andriopoulou., H. Mavromichalaki, C. Plainaki, A. Belov and E. Eroshenko, Properties of the extreme solar particle events of the cycles 22 and 23, 31 ICRC, icrc1529, 2009.
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  969. Panovska, S.,S. Poluianov, J. Gao, M. Korte, A. Mishev, Y. Y. Shprits, I. Usoskin, Effects of global geomagnetic field variations over the past 100,000 years on cosmogenic radionuclide production rates in the Earth's atmosphere, J. Geophys. Res.: Space Phys., 128, e2022JA031158, 17pp, 2023.
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  976. Usoskin, I., F. Miyake, M. Baroni, N. Brehm, S. Dalla, H. Hayakawa, H. Hudson, A. J. T. Jull, D. Knipp, S. Koldobskiy, H. Maehara, F. Mekhaldi, Y. Notsu, S. Poluianov, E. Rozanov, A. Shapiro, T. Spiegl, T. Sukhodolov, J. Uusitalo, L. Wacker, Extreme solar events: Setting up a paradigm, Space Sci. Rev., 219:73, 114pp, 2023.
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Last modified in Nov 2023 by I. Usoskin